Online resources exist to help individuals study and pass GED exams.
The General Educational Development test allows individuals who do not have a high school diploma to obtain a diploma by passing the high school equivalency exam. The exam tests proficiency in writing, language arts, social studies, mathematics and science and awards individuals who pass the test a General Equivalency Diploma. For students who do not have time to attend GED classes, free online tutoring help exists.
1. Contact a free self-directed preparation program for students studying towards the GED exam. Several GED tutoring programs give students free access to the tools to obtain the GED credential. Students may make use of the GED tutoring site's self-study tools which can include a study guide that students can download, a practice test, a list of upcoming testing dates and, if someone needs further help, a list of recommended tutoring companies. Some GED tutoring Websites also have blogs that allows students to ask questions and receive guidance and advice.
2. Choose a free online classroom that prepares students for passing the GED exam. These courses highlight the GED test's key points and give students the skills to strengthen their knowledge and test-taking abilities. Free online tutoring classes cover all five GED components, including language arts, mathematics, social studies, writing and science. Students have the opportunity to interact with other students and the instructor through these online classes. Students need a good Internet connection, a reliable e-mail address, a notebook for the learning journal and basic writing supplies.
3. Accessing an online one-on-one tutor who will assist a student with a GED exam for free.
Tags: give students, high school, language arts, online tutoring, social studies