Monday, August 30, 2010

Treat Fibrocystic Breast Disease Naturally

Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition that many women suffer from, luckily there are ways to treat Fibrocystic Breast Disease naturally. Women who suffer from this disease experience painful, lumpy and even cystic breasts, especially around the time of their periods. Below are some effective ways to treat Fibrocystic Breast Disease naturally


1. The most important thing to do to help prevent pain if you have fibrocystic breast disease, is to avoid a high fat diet. High fat diets raise the estrogen levels within the body, causing the buildup of fluid and cellular tissue in the breasts. This leads to lumpy and painful breasts.

2. Soy products help to balance out the excess estrogen in the body, so try to add lots of soy products to your diet, or take it in supplemental form. Getting rid of excess estrogen can help with fibrocystic breast disease.

3. Iodine helps to block estrogen from sticking to the receptors in the breast. Iodine is found in many sea vegetables, such as kelp and wakame. Kelp can be taken in a supplemental form as well.

4. Fiber helps to remove excess estrogen from the body, so try to make sure to get the daily recommendations of fiber, at the very minimum. Most Americans get less than half of the amount of fiber they really need.

Tags: Breast Disease, breast disease, excess estrogen, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Breast Disease naturally, Disease naturally, estrogen from