Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Become A Vet Tech In Indiana

Veterinarians are responsible for taking care of and treating a number of different animals through their practice. Most of the time, this can't be done alone, which is why a need exists for vet techs and vet assistants. Technicians generally have more responsibilities and can do more tasks than an assistant. Vet techs have formal education as opposed to assistants, who are usually trained on the job.


1. Find an accredited vet tech program at a college or university in Indiana. Two vet tech programs in Indiana are accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). They are Purdue University in West Lafayette and the International Business College in both Fort Wayne and Indianapolis. Most programs last 2 to 3 years and culminate with a certificate or associate degree. Purdue University is the only school that offers a bachelor's degree program for veterinary technicians in Indiana.

2. Complete the prerequisites necessary for entrance into the vet tech program of your choice. Each college has different requirements for classes you must take before actually beginning the vet tech program. Animal science, biology, English, math and speech are common prerequisites you may need to take.

3. Get accepted into the program. Most vet tech programs have an admission process that requires you to apply. A number of different factors can affect whether or not you are accepted, including your GPA, number of prerequisites you've completed, activities outside class, scores on aptitude exams and your dedication to your chosen profession. Discussing the admission criteria with the program director or an instructor can give you the insight you need to meet the requirements and get accepted.

4. Take classes and get your degree. Once accepted into the program, most of your classes will be pertaining to veterinary medicine. While some classes will consist of a lecture format inside a traditional classroom, others will give you experience working in veterinarian clinics or at animal hospitals. The latter will occur more and more frequently as you near graduation.

5. Pass the state exam. After completing an approved vet tech program, all aspiring vet techs in Indiana must pass the Veterinary Technology National Exam to become registered. This shows that they have the knowledge and skills to competently perform the tasks associated with being a vet tech.

6. Apply for registration and pay the required fee. Official registration for vet techs in Indiana is handled through the Professional Licensing Agency. You can download the application from the PLA's website, which is linked below.

Tags: tech program, accepted into, accepted into program, classes will, into program, number different