Monday, January 17, 2011

Identify The 6 Types Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer occurs when cells within the breast tissue begin to grow uncontrollably. Scientists have, in recent years, been able to divide breast cancer into six different types. Not only do these types differ in the way that they should be treated, but also in their prognosis and in their patients' survival rate. The six types are based on the type of cell that led to the cancer, the microscopic appearance of these cells and the proteins that they have.


1. Look at the breast skin and surface. Some types of breast cancer, such as inflammatory breast cancer, can cause the breast to appear red and painful to the touch, as if the skin had become inflamed. Other kinds of cancer can cause breast dimpling, or, in the case of ductal carcinoma, discharge from the nipple.

2. Do a manual exam of the breast. Lobular carcinoma is one of the most common types of breast cancer and will often lead to hard "lumps" being found in the breast. The location and moveability of the lumps will help to identify the possible presence of breast cancer, as well as aid in the determination of the type.

3. Receive a mammogram. This will help get a better idea of where the cancer is. Visualization of a tumor's location can help differentiate between major types of breast cancer, such as ductal, lobular and inflammatory breast cancer.

4. Get a biopsy. A biopsy of the tumor will help determine what the cancer cells look like and from what kind of cell they originated. This will help tell the difference between ductal, lobular and other types of breast cancer.

5. Visualize for certain hormone receptors and proteins. Some types of cancer are able to respond to hormones, such as estrogen, and others have a high amount of a protein called Her2. Classification of breast cancer according to these markers and their cell type and appearance (from Step 4) will allow the breast cancer to be classified as one of the six types.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, types breast, will help, types breast cancer, breast cancer such