Thursday, January 6, 2011

Interview For A Medical Imaging Job

Interview for a Medical Imaging Job

Medical imaging is a field that expands with technology. As new products and techniques allow expanded testing, those experts in the field have more choices than ever before. The field is competitive with more schools offering programs and more students graduating. Applicants must make the first impression the best one. Here's leave the interview with the job.


1. Show an understanding of interpretation verses technical expertise. Radiologists, for example, need to know use the equipment for imaging and explain how it works. They must also be able to interpret imaging results. The employer needs to see that distinction.

2. Discuss the different types of medical imaging. Project radiography, MRI, PET and tomography are just some of the imaging technology that exists. Be able to describe each one and discuss them in detail if the potential employer asks a specific question.

3. Ask for the company's guidelines regarding continuing education and certifications. Will it be the employee's responsibility to pursue annual continuing education requirements? This is crucial information in determining the real benefits of a position. Good companies develop employees and facilitate opportunities to help them grow.

4. Outline the school curriculum and any pertinent experience. The employer will want to know real life experiences as well as skills sets to which the potential employee has been exposed. In the end, the goal for this and any other interview is to be prepared for any questions that may be asked in relation to the job.

Tags: continuing education, Interview Medical, Interview Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging