Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How Is A Bone Biopsy Performed

What is a Bone Biopsy?

A bone biopsy is the removal of a small piece of bone that can then be tested for the presence of cancerous cells. There are two types of tissue in your bones. The outer layer is called "compact tissue" and is the hard material that you may normally associate with bones. The secondary layer is the cancellous tissue, which is a sponge-like material that contains the marrow. The physician takes samples of the hard outer layers of bone rather than taking marrow from the center of the bone. There are different types of bone biopsies, including a needle aspiration biopsy and open biopsy.

Needle Aspiration Biopsy

Your physician may give you a mild sedative to help you relax during the procedure, and in some cases, he may give you a spinal block to numb you from the waist down. Needle biopsies are generally done in bones that are near the surface, such as the hip, although a biopsy can be performed on any bone in the body. Your doctor will use an aspiration needle, which looks like a regular syringe with a larger needle. Because it is important that you hold still during the procedure, if the bone to be biopsied is in a difficult location, your doctor may employ a strap or a belt to help you remain motionless.

After he swabs the area with antiseptic to clean it, you will be given a shot that numbs the area where he will make the incision. Your doctor will then cut the small incision, usually around 1/8 inch, through which he can pass the aspiration needle to reach the bone. He will twist the needle to push it into the bone. He draws the sample into the syringe and then twists the needle to remove it from the bone. Your physician will apply pressure to the incision, and once it has stopped bleeding and is bandaged, the procedure is complete. Your sample will be sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Open Biopsy

Open biopsy is surgery to remove a larger piece of the bone than can be done with an aspiration needle. You will be given a general anesthetic so that you will be completely asleep and unaware during the procedure. Once you are in the operating room, the site of the biopsy will be cleaned and sterilized. An incision will be made along the bone to be biopsied, and the skin and muscle held open with clamps. The doctor then uses a bone saw to take a section from the exposed bone. Your muscle and skin will be sutured back together with small stitches and bandaged. You will be sent to the recovery room to awaken from the anesthetic.

Tags: aspiration needle, during procedure, bone biopsied, bone Your, doctor will, material that