Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Are Mainframes & Pcs Similar

Mainframes, like PCs, fulfill a variety of functions

The term "mainframe computer" has encompassed a broad range of possible categories during its usage. While it remains separate from the personal computer in scale and purpose, it closely resembles smaller systems in many other ways.


Since a mainframe may fulfill any number of large-scale computing needs, they use a variety of operating systems and software to meet their function. While many mainframes may run a specially designed or server-specific operating system, others may run the same operating system as a PC, whether that be Windows, OSX or a Linux variant.


While mainframes often field massive numbers of processors and feature huge hard drives, the technology is identical as those used in PCs. Individual processors group together to provide computing power, and RAM allows the system to juggle multiple operations simultaneously. A mainframe simply provides these functions on a much larger scale.


A mainframe system may store application data in the same way a users personal computer stores installed programs, but for distribution over a network. Many mainframes act as servers, a function that can be assigned to any networked PC.

Tags: operating system, personal computer