Monday, June 14, 2010

Job Description For An Astronaut

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to walk on air without any ground beneath your feet or eat your breakfast while floating around a room? As an astronaut in space, this would be part of your daily life.


Astronauts are highly trained scientists, engineers and other qualified professionals who are sent to space to explore the Earth's atmosphere and beyond with the use of the space shuttle and other technological devices.


There are three main types of astronauts: mission specialist, payload specialist and the pilot or commander.

Working Conditions

Life as an astronaut can be physically and emotionally challenging. Astronauts must be alert to potentially life-threatening dangers at all times and inhabit cramped living quarters, sometimes for long periods of time.


Educational requirements vary depending on the type of astronaut position held. Most astronauts have a bachelor's degree in mathematics, engineering or other sciences. Additional physical and mental training and education is required before astronauts are released for their first mission.


As full-time employees of NASA, the salary of an astronaut depends on federal government classifications, personal academic achievement and personal experience. Astronauts generally average between $56,000 and $105,000 annually.

Career Outlook

With the science field constantly expanding with new discoveries and inventions, job opportunities are expected to increase over the next 10 years.
