Friday, May 13, 2011

Information On Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Information on Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Decades ago, people didn't talk about breast cancer. Then former first lady Betty Ford spoke up about her experience with the disease. This encouraged health organizations and women to be more vocal about the cancer, leading to, among other things, the establishment of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The campaign, which is in October, provides support to the breast cancer community year-round.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer, caused by malignant cells that form in breast tissue, is the second biggest cancer killer for women in the United States. More than 200,000 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, and more than 40,000 die. Men are afflicted with breast cancer as well, with 1,700 cases and 450 deaths reported annually. We still do not know where breast cancer comes from, although it can be passed through genes.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which occurs in October, is an awareness and support program developed by several organizations that take part in the fight against breast cancer. The program aims to promote breast cancer awareness, inform people about the cancer and provide people with easier access to screenings. Breast Cancer Awareness Month's website functions as a year-round clearinghouse for patients and survivors, and the families, friends and caregivers whose lives are touched by the disease.

Why Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month credits itself with raising national awareness and dialogue on breast cancer, but acknowledges that it has a long way to go, despite the progress in outreach and treatment. One if the organizations most pressing current concerns is educating and empowering women by encouraging breast self-exams. Because there is no cure for breast cancer, early detection is the most powerful weapon women have. In addition, regular checkups, mammograms, adhering to treatment and knowing about recurrences are strongly promoted by Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Key players

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was originally established by AstraZeneca Health Care Foundation. National nonprofit organizations, medical associations and the government all take part in the event. In the 1980s, former first lady Betty Ford and her daughter Susan initiated public dialogue on breast cancer. Shortly thereafter, various members of the national community came together, further highlighting the need for public outreach. The Board of Sponsors includes the American Cancer Society, the National Medical Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Cancer Institute.


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month started in 1985 with a one-week event hosted by its two founding members. In 2009, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month celebrates its 25th anniversary. Although the actual month is October, the organization and the Web site provide year-round support to the breast cancer community.

Tags: Awareness Month, Cancer Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness, Cancer Awareness, Cancer Awareness