Monday, July 5, 2010

Diet To Reduce Breast Size

Large breasts have been known to cause various heath problems including back and neck pain, skin rashes and poor posture. As women age, some dense breast tissue is replaced by fat. This, when coupled with the tendency we have to gain weight as we age, encourages women to reduce breast size. Fortunately, this does not have to mean surgery -- the proper diet, if carefully followed, can help you lose breast weight, ease back and neck pain and live more comfortably.

Reduce Salt

Fluid retention causes bloating and your breasts are not immune. Bloating adds both weight and width to our breasts. Thus, the dreaded water weight translates into larger breasts that feel tight and are often painful. By avoiding processed and packaged foods, as well as fast food and soda, you can significantly reduce your breast size. It is also a good idea to put away the salt shaker and drink plenty of water to flush fluids from your system.

Limit Fat and Eat Vitamin B-Rich Foods

A good rule of thumb is to try to eat food that is in its natural state -- i.e. unprocessed. A diet of whole grains, vegetables and fruits with a minimum of fat and simple starches will help raise your metabolism and jump-start weight loss. Choose foods high is vitamin B such as oats, eggs, lentils, bananas and chili peppers. Of the 13 vitamins required by your body, eight of them are from the B complex group. They are essential for both healthy living and weight loss.

Exercise and Increase Your Metabolism

As we age, we lose muscle mass. Unfortunately, this muscle mass helps us burn fat efficiently and raises our metabolism. To lose weight and keep your metabolism working properly, walk briskly for a minimum of 40 minutes per day and lift light weights. Mix it up by adding ankle weights twice per week.

The most important thing is to keep at it. You will lose breast weight if you carefully watch your diet, limit sodium intake and exercise briskly on a regular basis.

Tags: back neck, back neck pain, breast size, breast weight, lose breast, lose breast weight