Thursday, November 15, 2012

Inspirational Gifts For Cancer Patients

Supporting friends or family with cancer can help with their healing process.

No matter where the cancer patient is in his diagnosis, inspirational gifts can help lift spirits and renew hope during dark days. Even though sometimes, as friends or loved ones, we don't know how or what to say, an inspirational gift can be called upon to give that extra lift that a cancer patient may need during treatment and the recovery period. Appropriate to give anytime during the process, an inspirational gift shows you care and want to support your friend or loved one and encourage healing.

Inspirational Books

Books help pass the time while a cancer patient is in treatment.

There are a plethora of inspirational books for cancer patients that can help them cope with all the stages of their disease, from diagnosis to remission. Full of spiritual and practical advice, inspirational stories of hope can console a cancer patient when her friends and family are unavailable. Titles could include "Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book: 101 Stories of Courage, Support & Love" by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and David Tabatsky; and "Everyday Strength: A Cancer Patient's Guide to Spiritual Survival" by Randy Becton; or a lighter approach with "Not Now I'm Having A No Hair Day" by Christine Clifford and Jack Lindstrom. "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch is another inspirational choice that both men and women can relate to.

No matter what book you choose, add a blank journal and a beautifully crafted pen so that your friend or family member can express her own journey not only to inspire others but as an emotional release.

Living Inspiration

Flowering plants can cheer a hospital room or bedroom.

Nurturing a living thing is innately inspirational especially when a cancer patient is feeling depressed and overly self-conscious. Watching a seed grow and thrive or an mature plant start to bloom can bring a sense of hope to someone who is surrounded by sterile environments and sometimes socially awkward visitors. A tabletop herb garden or an organic outdoor vegetable garden can get a cancer patient excited about the change of seasons and give him a sense of purpose outside of his cancer treatment. It also gives family and friends something to do and focus on with the cancer patient that is totally separate from their disease and treatment. Blooming bulbs are a great choice for a winter gift and sunflower seeds in the summer can bring cheer for months. Be sure to help keep the plants alive and thriving when the cancer patient is unable to do so.


Using an MP3 player can be a great way to relax.

Music is a great companion during cancer treatment and can transport a patient from an unpleasant moment to a relaxing and inspirational inner world that can help them heal. Purchase an MP3 player for a friend without one, or simply upload a special inspirational playlist to her existing iPod to give her a boost while waiting at the doctor's office or simply relaxing at home. Christian music may be inspirational for some, while others may like modern pop or rock music with lyrics that reflect overcoming obstacles or living life to the fullest. Put together at least an hour-long playlist in the patient's favorite musical genre.

Tags: cancer patient, cancer patient, cancer treatment, friends family, help them, inspirational gift