Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What To Expect When Having Breast Implants Put In

Breast Implant Surgery

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 307,000 breast augmentation (breast implant) surgeries were performed in 2008, making it the most popular cosmetic procedure performed in the United States.


Breast augmentation surgery can usually be done as an outpatient procedure typically lasting one to two hours, but it does require anesthesia.


The surgeon makes an incision and creates a pocket in which to place the implant. The incision can be made below the breast, around the areola, under the armpit or through the navel. The implants are then placed, and the incision is closed.


After the augmentation surgery, the breast area is tightly wrapped in gauze or a surgical bra. Patients are usually allowed to go home after regaining consciousness. It is normal to experience swelling, bruising and mild to severe pain lasting from a few days to several weeks after the implant is placed. You will be given painkillers to help manage pain.


You will need to avoid exercise or other strenuous activities for two to four weeks after your surgery. It may be two weeks or more before you are able to sleep on your stomach. Your new breast implants may seem hard and sit very high on your chest at first, but with time they will soften and fall to a more natural position.

Safety/Side Effects

Breast augmentation surgery is relatively safe. Side affects are rare, but can include infection, implant leakage, loss of sensation in nipple and breast area, or rupture of the implant.

Tags: augmentation surgery, breast area, Breast augmentation, Breast augmentation surgery, weeks after