Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hook Up A Ps2 To A Digital Tv

Sony has now released the Playstation, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3.

Every few years the major video game manufacturers, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft, release a new gaming system that features enhanced graphics and enhanced gameplay features. One of the most popular video game systems in history is the Sony Playstation 2, also known as the PS2. If you are the owner of a Sony Playstation 2 and want to hook up your system to a digital TV, you can do so in a few easy steps.


1. Plug in your digital TV and Playstation 2. Place your digital TV and Playstation 2 within two feet of a power outlet and then use the power cords to plug in both your digital TV and Playstation 2.

2. Connect the Playstation 2 A/V cable. Your PS2 should come with a standard PS2 A/V cable that can connect to your TV, but if you want to have a higher quality picture you can use a third-party cable. The highest quality A/V cable you can use is a PS2 component A/V cable. Plug the three-pronged end of your A/V cable into the video input on your digital TV. Then, plug the other end of the cable into the A/V output of your PS2.

3. Play a game. To check that your PS2 is set up properly, turn on both your digital TV and PS2. Then, put a game in your PS2, connect a controller and attempt to play a game. If you have connected your PS2 correctly, you should clearly see the video game on your digital TV screen.

Tags: your digital, digital Playstation, video game, your digital Playstation, both your, both your digital, cable into