Thursday, August 1, 2013

Know When To Go To The Hospital When Pregnant

Know When to go to the Hospital When Pregnant

One of the most common questions pregnant women have is know when to go to the hospital. Women are afraid to go and find out they're not in labor. However, is best to err on the side of safety of the mother and child.


1. Note any fluid leakage. If the bag of waters breaks, it is necessary to go to the hospital. If unsure, head to the labor and delivery unit. They have special tests to determine whether the fluid leakage is from the water breaking. It is called a litmus test, and involves simply placing a piece of paper on the fluid. Labor is imminent once the bag of waters has ruptured.

2. Keep track of contractions. If they are regular, extremely painful, or if there are any contractions prior to 37 weeks gestation, a trip to labor and delivery is necessary.

3. Count the kicks. If the baby doesn't seem to be moving, keep track of how much the baby moves. If there aren't ten movements in two hours, head to the hospital. If something doesn't feel right, or the baby doesn't seem to be moving like usual, call the doctor.

4. Head for the hospital if there is any bleeding in the second or third trimesters. This is a major problem, and medical attention is absolutely necessary.

5. Pay attention to any severe back pain. Sometimes labor pain is in the back instead of the abdomen. Call the doctor if this occurs, or head straight to labor and delivery.

6. Take severe illness seriously. If temperature goes over 100 degrees fahrenheit, or severe nausea, vomiting or diarrhea occurs, go to the hospital. Dehydration can occur and cause serious complications when pregnant.

Tags: labor delivery, baby doesn, baby doesn seem, doesn seem, doesn seem moving, fluid leakage