Thursday, August 15, 2013

Relief From Nighttime Leg Cramps

Exercise, inadequate mineral intake, dehydration and some medications are all possible causes of nighttime leg cramps. Leg cramps occur at night because calf muscles contract when unopposed by the other muscles of the lower leg. They do not occur during the day because walking causes the calf muscle to work in cooperation with the other muscles of the lower leg at periodic intervals. This periodic controlled flexing prevents the uncontrolled spasm of a cramp.

Stretch Before Bed

Stretching your calf and leg muscles for 10 minutes before bed may reduce or eliminate cramps. This forces the muscle most likely to cramp to loosen up prior to entering a period of prolonged inactivity.

To stretch your calf muscles, perform push ups against a wall or chair. Alternatively, stand up on your tip toes, then try to stand on your heels raising your toes off the floor. You can also sit in a chair alternately pointing your toes and then flexing your foot back toward your knees.

Warm Your Legs Before Bed

Using a heating pad or water bottle to warm your calves before bed may reduce or eliminate leg cramps. This increases circulation to the region so the muscle doesn't stiffen up as you sleep. Remember not to sleep with a heating pad on your legs, you may burn them while you sleep. A hot water bottle, which cools over time, is a better option.

Take Mineral Supplements

Calcium, magnesium and potassium deficiencies can cause nighttime leg cramps. Sometimes taking supplements can resolve this problem.

Talk to your doctor if you are taking any medication for the treatment of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or other chronic illness before you take supplements. Taking supplements under these conditions can interfere with your medications and might cause serious injury or even death.

Once Leg Cramps Start

Flex your feet toward your knee, then point your toes, the second you feel a cramp coming on. This may stop the cramp before it begin. Once a cramp begins, your best solution is usually to move into a sitting and then a standing position. Standing and walking around will alleviate the cramp quickly.

Tags: your toes, calf muscles, your toes then, before reduce, before reduce eliminate, cramps This