Monday, December 28, 2009

Perform Breast Self Exams

Perform Breast Self Exams

With the rise in breast cancer and breast cancer awareness, women of all ages should know give themselves breast exams at home to check for lumps and anything else that might seem unusual. Women over 35 should do this on a regular basis, but this does not mean that younger women do not need to know how as well. Breast exams should be given about one week after your period and when your breasts are not sore, tender or swollen.


1. Stand in front of a mirror, take one hand and place it behind your head. Take your other hand and hold your fingers flat out. Now touch every part of the breast you are examining gently, feeling for lumps, bumps, and any areas that may feel thicker than the rest of the breast. Also be sure to feel the underarm area close to the breast for anything unusual as well. Repeat on the other side.

2. Place both hands on your hips and check your breast for any changes in shape, size and form while still looking in the mirror. Now lift your hands above your head and do the same type of check again.

3. Lie down on your bed with a pillow propping up your left shoulder. Take your left hand and place it behind your head once again. Now take your right hand with the fingers flat again and examine the breast by pressing in circles around the breast. Start at the outside edges of the breast and work your way inward toward the nipple. Once you have finished that breast repeat the process with the other breast.

4. Examine the underarm area close to the breast. Place your arm on a solid, firm surface like a table, desk or a book shelf and examine the underarm area for lumps or changes in thickness.

Tags: underarm area, your head, area close, area close breast, behind your, behind your head, breast cancer