Friday, December 31, 2010

Fibrocystic Breast Pain

According to the Mayo Clinic, more than half of women experience fibrocystic breasts at some point in their lives. They are characterized by tissue that feels lumpy or bumpy and are usually the result of excess estrogen production. It is not a serious condition but can cause pain and tenderness. These changes in breast tissue usually occur between the ages of 20 and 50. Several treatment options and self-care strategies are available to deal with the condition and its associated pain and discomfort. Treatments will depend on the severity of symptoms.


Use over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Motrin to treat mild pain. Your doctor might give you oral contraceptives to balance hormone levels and reduce the formation of cysts. If your pain is severe, your doctor might prescribe Danazol, a drug that acts like male hormones, which prevent excess estrogen production. Undesirable side effects like excess body hair and acne make it an undesirable option.

Medical Procedures

Fine needle aspiration involves inserting a very thin needle into the cyst to drain the fluid. This removes the lump, thereby removing the accompanying pain and discomfort. Persistent cysts might need to be removed if they do not respond to aspiration.

Dietary Suggestions

According to the Mayo Clinic, studies regarding the effects of caffeine on breast pain have been inconclusive. However, anecdotal reports indicate cutting back on or eliminating caffeine intake can relieve the pain associated with fibrocystic breasts. You might want to give it a try to see if it improves your pain. Keeping your fat intake at 20 percent of your total calories might decrease fibrocystic breast pain; this is due to the fact that hormones are produced from body fat. Reduced fat intake will prevent excess body fat which will produce excess estrogen. Eating a high-fiber diet helps your body pass excess estrogen through the stool before it can be reabsorbed by your body.

Natural Supplements

Evening primrose oil is rich in the essential fatty acid linoleic acid. The medical community believes that women with fibrocystic breast pain are deficient in this fatty acid. Supplementing helps relieve pain and inflammation and makes breast tissue less sensitive to hormonal changes. Take one to three capsules three times a day. Fish oil also contains beneficial fatty acids that treat pain and inflammation; take as directed on the product label. Vitex has a long history of use in balancing hormone production; take as directed on the product label.

Other Suggestions

Hot packs applied to the breasts can help relieve pain. A firm support bra, preferably fitted by a professional, can also relieve pain and discomfort. Wearing a sports bra while exercising and sleeping can relieve discomfort and pain, especially when your breasts are feeling extra sensitive.

Tags: excess estrogen, relieve pain, pain discomfort, According Mayo, According Mayo Clinic, breast pain