Monday, December 27, 2010

Sell Medela Breast Pumps At Home

Sell Medela Breast Pumps at Home

Medela brand breast pumps are respected by both individuals and health care professionals for their high quality and easy-to-use design. By setting up a retail account with Medela, you can start a home business that can help nursing mothers and help you be successful.


Set Up Your Account

1. Go to the Medela Website (see Resources below for a link to the specific page you need).

2. Read through the information to be sure you understand the options: Medela offers an option which allows individuals to join the rental program. By becoming a rental program provider, you pay a monthly or yearly fee for breast pumps, which you then rent to nursing mothers. You also sell the needed accessories to the nursing mothers.

3. Call the number or send an email to the address provided to find out if you also quality for the retail program. If you can join the retail program, you may also be able to purchase (wholesale) the Medela equipment and resell it at retail prices. There are some restrictions on who is qualified; the easiest way to find out if you qualify is by talking to a Medela representative by calling 1-800-435-8316.

4. Read through all the information carefully before signing up. Medela is a known and trusted brand, but you need to be sure you understand all that is expected of you as a representative, what restrictions are in place, and other terms of the agreement.

5. Set up your account, and order your rental units. Make a minimum order for the accessory packages. Once you have the Medela products, you can start renting the pumps and selling the accessories to nursing mothers who need them. Your local La Leche League is a great place to start for contacts; you might also contact local midwives, ob-gyns, doulas, and lactation specialists to let them know that you are a Medela provider.

Start Selling

6. Determine the prices you will charge for selling and renting Medela products. Medela will provide suggested retail prices and rental charges; you can either stick to those prices. You can opt to raise or lower them as you see fit. Be wary of lowering prices significantly from retail, however; if you cut into your profit too much, you will not make a good return on the time you invest in selling the Medela products.

7. Decide what your product offerings will be. Do you simply want to sell Medela nursing pumps and accessories, or do you want to also offer other nursing products, baby clothes, baby items and gear, and diapering products? The more you sell, of course, the more you have to stock. However, you'll also be able to attract more customers by offering more products for one-stop shopping.

8. Get familiar with your products. Be sure you can explain every part of the Medela breast pump and easily walk a nursing Mom through the operation. It will be hard to sell a product if you're not comfortable demonstrating it. Find out about potential problems, as well, so you can answer questions. For example, what should a customer do if they get condensation in the pump tubing? Be sure you know maintain the pump and the parts yourself, so you can explain the process to your customers. A good place to find out about common issues is the Medela Forums (linked below in Resources).

9. Choose how you will sell the Medela products from your home. You can set up a Website, and do most of your selling exclusively online. You can host parties and network locally--much like a Tupperware or Mary Kay representative. You can also do both, of course, but it's a good idea to focus on building your business one way first. You can always expand later.

10. Get in touch with local Mom groups (such as M.O.P.S.), churches, childcare centers, and other related businesses. Find out if local businesses--the ones most frequented by young families--will let you put up flyers, hand out brochures, or post a sign on public bulletin boards.

Tags: Medela products, nursing mothers, accessories nursing, accessories nursing mothers, also able