Monday, December 27, 2010

Thermography Certification

Thermography training courses are designed for professionals and entrepreneurs in the health care field. Certification courses offer competence training in thermographic camera systems, the operation of a thermography clinic or lab, and practical management.


Thermography is a scientific method used to measure body heat for the purpose of detecting abnormal functions in the body. Readings are conducted with the use of computer-assisted instruments which measure the infrared heat radiating from the skin.


There are typically three levels of thermography certification training. Students receive hands-on camera operation training and functions specific to their application, including the collection of quality data, an understanding of the techniques and limitations of infrared thermography for specific applications and produce professional, infrared, inspection reports.


Students are required to attend an infrared certification/training course, submit a field assignment demonstrating understanding of their application, sit and pass closed-book examinations and quizzes, and know efficiently use the infrared camera. Certifications are maintained by consistent utilization of their thermography skills and continuing education.

Tags: certification training, their application