Monday, March 14, 2011

Do Birth Control Pills Make Your Breasts Grow

If you recently starting taking birth control pills and have seemingly detected a small increase in your breast size, you are not imagining it.

Estrogen's Influence

Birth control pills contain estrogen, and that causes fluid retention in your breasts.

Mimicking Pregnancy

Birth control pills trick your body into thinking it's pregnant. When you are pregnant, your breasts grow because of the influx of hormones. The same thing happens when you take the pill. explains that the contents of the birth control pill approximate the hormones that a woman produces during pregnancy.

The Change Shouldn't Be Significant

According to, the change in your breast size will be minimal.


In addition to a slight increase in size, you may experience breast tenderness, just as women do when in the early stages of pregnancy.

Fluid Retention

According to the, oral contraceptives don't necessarily cause women to gain weight, including in their breasts. However, the hormones in the birth control pill do affect the tissue in your hips, thighs and breasts, which can make a woman feel as if she's gained weight. states this is generally caused by the retention of fluid and not an increase in body fat or mass.

Adipose Cells

The estrogen in the birth control pill directly affects fat (adipose) cells. The cells become bigger but not greater in number.

Tags: birth control pill, control pill, birth control, Birth control pills, breast size, control pills