Friday, August 17, 2012

Things To Do In Paris France On Easter Sunday

Notre Dame and Sacre Couer offer several church services for Catholics on Easter Sunday.

Tourists visiting Paris during Easter can usually expect mild weather that allows them to choose between outdoor and indoor activities in the French capital. The largely Roman-Catholic nation marks Easter with church services and chocolate. Visitors should be aware that some shops close for the holiday, although most restaurants and tourist attractions remain open over the three-day national holiday weekend.

Notre Dame

Novelist Victor Hugo's tale of a hunchback put Cathedrale Notre Dame De Paris onto the French tourist map. The cathedral opens its doors from 8 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. every Sunday, and visitors at Easter may wish to participate in one of the six masses that mark one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. Visitors can emulate the fictitious Quasimodo by scaling the 387 steps of the south tower to see the largest of the church bells. The National Monument Center administers tower admission and the entrance is outside the church. In August 2010, the tour of the tower was priced at 8 Euros.

The Eiffel Tower

Mild spring weather allows visitors the opportunity to enjoy breathtaking views of the city from the top of the 354-foot Eiffel Tower. Since 2003, over 6 million visitors have toured the iron tower, which requires painting every seven years to protect it from the elements. Elevators carry tourists to the top of the three-story building, although energetic guests can ascend the entire tower by foot. As of August 2010, regular adult admission was 13.10 Euros.

The Louvre Museum

The famous "Mona Lisa" portrait by renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci attracts tourists year round. The museum, located on the banks of the river Seine, is noteworthy for the glass pyramid designed by I. M. Pei that covers the main entrance hall. With over 30,000 artworks and artifacts from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the museum offers hours of interest for art lovers and tourists alike. Regular admission as of August 2010 was priced at 9.50 Euros.

Chateau at Versailles

The former residence of Marie-Antoinette and King Louis XVI attracts large crowds year round. The usually pleasant spring weather allows guests to enjoy the gardens, but if an unusual cold spell strikes, the interior of the palace offers plenty of delights, including the famous Hall of Mirrors and a collection of over 400 statues. Access to the palace is free on Sundays between October and March, so if Easter falls early in the year there is no admission cost to visit this popular destination. Guests can take a musical tour of the gardens for 25 Euros if Easter falls in April.

Tags: August 2010, Notre Dame, church services, Easter falls, Easter Sunday, Eiffel Tower