Monday, November 18, 2013

Side Effects Of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an increasingly common cosmetic surgery in which implants are placed in the breasts to make them larger. Hundreds of thousands of women have undergone the procedure for themselves, and it is a very safe procedure. However, as with any surgery there are risks and possible complications. It is important to go over all the possible side effects with your doctor before having the augmentation.

Implant Rupture

Breast implants can break, causing them to deflate. This can cause the breasts to look uneven. If an implant ruptures, you will likely need surgery to replace or remove it.

Cancer Detection

Breast implants can make it more difficult to detect breast cancer during a mammogram, because tumors might be hidden behind the implants. It is important that the person performing the mammogram knows you have implants so she can take extra care.

Breast Feeding

In most cases, woman who undergo breast augmentation are able to breast feed, but some mothers do have difficulty. If you plan to breast feed after breast augmentation, be sure to tell your surgeon, because it may affect the surgical technique.

Changes to Sensation

Some women who get breast implants have less sensation around the nipple and breast following surgery. In most cases, the loss of sensation is a temporary condition, but it can be permanent.

Surgical Side Effects

The surgery itself can cause side effects in many women. These include bruising and swelling around the breasts, pain around the incisions and constipation.


Infection is a possible complication of any surgical procedure. Be sure to inform your doctor if you experience fever or flu-like symptoms, redness or warmth and tenderness around the incisions.

Tags: around incisions, breast augmentation, breast feed, Breast implants, most cases