Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Starting Salary For A Radiologist In Somerset County Pennsylvania

Radiologists are skilled in interpreting diagnostic images.

Radiologists are medical doctors who are trained in multiple types of diagnostic imaging equipment and methods. Their salaries are generally well over $300,000 per year. Their salaries can be much higher, depending on the level of experience, employer and location of a radiologist. Somerset County, Pennsylvania radiologists generally earn salaries comparable to radiologists in many other areas of the country.

Somerset County

Somerset County had a population of 77,742 as of 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The median household income in the county was $38,712 in 2009, and the percentage of the population that graduated from high school was 82.3 percent between 2005 and 2009. It sits about 57 miles to the southeast of Pittsburgh and about 136 miles west of Harrisburg.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts radiologists in the occupational category of "Physicians and Surgeons, All Other." The average annual salary for a radiologist in this category as of May 2010, according to the BLS, was $180,870. Radiologists tend to earn much more than this average; according to, as of 2010 the average annual salary of a radiologist in the United States was $398,571. The salary website reported at time of publication that the annual salary of a radiologist in the United States averaged $342,103.


The average salary of a radiologist in Pennsylvania, according to as of time of publication, was $261,750 based on 12 salary records. The salary range was between $205,414 and $318,085. The BLS puts the average salary of the occupational category for Pennsylvania radiologists as of May 2010 at $178,610.

Somerset County

According to as of time of publication, the salary of a radiologist in Somerset, Pennsylvania was $427,857. CBSalary listed the average salary for a radiologist as $326,048 in Boswell, Pennsylvania, another city in Somerset County. New Radiologists can expect to earn lower than these averages, probably up to around the 25th percentile mark, which was $303,350 in Somerset and $231,167 in Boswell.


Radiologists in Johnstown, a city about 31 miles northeast of Somerset in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, had an average annual salary of $151,540 per year, according to the BLS. The average salary in Pittsburgh for physicians and surgeons in the same category as radiologists was $181,780 as of May 2010. Radiologists can expect to earn far more than these averages in Somerset County and in Pennsylvania as a whole.

MedSource Consultants posted a position on at time of publication for an academic radiologist in the southwest region of Pennsylvania. The job posting did not specify the city. The beginning salary for the position was between $300,000 and $350,000 per year, and the higher end of the salary scale ranged from $400,000 to $450,000 annually. The same company posted another job for an academic Women's Imager with a salary range of between $350,000 and $400,000 for beginners and between $400,000 and $450,000 for more experienced radiologists.

Tags: Somerset County, salary radiologist, annual salary, average salary, County Pennsylvania