Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Be Discreet On Facebook Com

be discreet on

Networking websites like are a great tool for hooking up with old friends and finding new contacts. There is one catch...THE WALL. Posting comments for friends and colleagues can be found and read by others - here is be discreet when using Facebook and be sure your private info stays private!


1. Be careful - Before writing an indepth description of your big night out with friends, be mindful of who is reading! 200 of your closest acquaintances will be in on your personal jokes if you put every gory detail out there on your or a friend's wall.

2. Use privacy settings - You may not know it, but you can set special privacy restrictions on your account which will protect your personal information. Go into your settings and review who is able to see your status updates, photos and wall personal information. You can even restrict certain information by "friend", so you can really keep intimate details between you and a chosen few.

3. Use email - rather than always "posting" and updating your status with off the cuff remarks, get in the habit of using the private email feature of Facebook. You can still utilize the website but in this way you don't always have to filter your words or think twice about who sees them. If you do use the wall get used to stopping and rereading your posts before clicking that mouse - it may make you think twice about posting certain thoughts.

Tags: personal information, think twice, think twice about, twice about, with friends, your personal