Monday, October 5, 2009

Benefit From Ultrasound Facials

Benefit From Ultrasound Facials

Ultrasound facials utilize similar technology to the ultrasounds that doctors use to view babies in the womb. Physical therapists help patients heal injuries with these devices and now, aestheticians are the latest professionals to adopt these devices for skin care. The hand held machines contain an oscillating probe that creates sound waves. These waves penetrate deeply into the skin's layers, creating warmth, improving circulation and possibly increasing collagen production. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Find a licensed cosmetologist to administer your facial, one who's properly training in using the ultrasound device. Ask questions about his experience, like how long he's been using the machine and where he received training.

2. Cleanse your face thoroughly before the facial, concentrating on the "T-zone" being your forehead, nose and chin. Oil and impurities on your skin prevent the device from working optimally.

3. Ask your aesthetician to use special ingredients like glycolic acids or herbals extracts in the facial. They benefit your unique skin type.

4. Receive facials regularly. You may need weekly treatments depending on your skin's condition. Once you are happy with the effects, keep getting facials on a regular basis to maintain benefits, which may require only monthly salon visits.

Tags: Benefit From, Benefit From Ultrasound, From Ultrasound, From Ultrasound Facials, these devices, your skin