Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Salary Of Family Practice Doctors

Family doctors earn a high salary.

Due to the competitive entry requirements to medical school and the numerous years of internship and residency required in order to practice, family doctors earn some of the highest wages of all occupations in the United States. The salary of a family practice doctor will depend on what type of medical facility he works in and its location.


Family practice doctors in the U.S. earn an average salary of $168,550 as of May 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These doctors typically have returning patients and may treat a wide variety of common illnesses and injuries, such as the flu and broken or sprained bones.

Medical Facilities

The majority of family practice doctors work in the offices of physicians, earning an average salary of $174,280. Those in outpatient care centers earn a similar average salary of $174,590, while family doctors in general medical and surgical hospitals earn less, at $157,470. The government also employs family practice doctors; those working for the local government earn an average salary of $144,640, while those employed by the state government earn $131,010.

Higher Salaries

Family practice doctors may seek higher wages in other industries, though employment opportunities are fewer. Insurance carriers pay family practice doctors an average salary of $174,610, while family doctors working in employment services earn $180,910. In medical and diagnostic laboratories the average salary for family doctors is $189,840, and the industry of office administrative services offers the highest wages at an average salary of $193,250.


The demand for family practice doctors in an area, as well as that area's cost of living, will have an effect on salary. Arkansas is the state with the highest salary average for family practice doctors at $206,030, followed by Wisconsin at $203,040. Wyoming, Utah and Georgia also rank on the Bureau of Labor Statistics list of top-paying states for family doctors, with salary averages ranging from $188,620 to $194,680.

Tags: average salary, family doctors, practice doctors, average salary while, doctors earn, family practice, salary while