Thursday, October 15, 2009

Breast Augmentation Pain

Breast augmentation surgeries have grown in popularity throughout the years. New techniques and implants are being developed to help minimize pain and discomfort in the patient, however it is important to understand the discomfort one will go through during surgery and the potential pain caused by complications during and after surgery.

Trauma to Body

After surgery women will experience swelling and sometimes bruising. The pain is usually controlled with medication provided by your physician. You will feel discomfort for the first few days, but should not experience extreme pain. If you notice anything unusual make an appointment with your doctor immediately.


Most patients will experience soreness for the first few days, up to a week. The body has gone through a lot with surgery and it is very normal for the patient to feel extremely fatigued the first few days after surgery. Try to keep movements to a minimum and have someone there to help you with daily tasks for the first few days if possible.


Infection after surgery can not only cause pain at the site of the incision, but can also produce fever and depending on the type of infection, can be fatal. It is important to take care of the incisions according to your physician's instructions. If you feel feverish, see redness or discharge on your breasts, see a doctor immediately. If an infection occurs, the implant will be removed until the infection clears, which can take months, then another surgery will be needed to replace the implant.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when scar tissue builds around the implant. This happens as the body attempts to defend itself again the foreign object placed inside. The scar tissue itself is not concerning, however if it forms to the point that it is squeezing the implant, it can cause serious pain and complications, such as causing the implant to rupture. Symptoms of capsular contracture are pain in the breasts, hardening of breasts and extreme asymmetry of the breasts caused by the scar tissue.


It can take several months for the swelling to go down to the final size and breasts will be extremely sensitive. During this time, it is important to avoid injury to the chest. No strenuous activities or heavy lifting should be done and exercise should be limited. It is strongly recommended that patients avoid physical contact with breasts to speed up the recovery process and avoid injury that could result in another surgery for correction.

Self Image

While there are different types of physical pain associated with breast augmentation, it is important to address the mental anguish that may go along with the surgery. Sometimes client's expectations are extremely high and they are not happy with the end result. They may think they have chosen the wrong size, either too big or not big enough. They may think their breasts are not symmetrical or simply don't look the way they wanted. Whatever the case may be, the mental strain is great. It is important to be realistic with expectations and make sure surgery is performed for the right reasons.

Tags: first days, after surgery, scar tissue, another surgery, avoid injury