Thursday, October 29, 2009

Washington State Paternity Leave Law

Beginning October 2012, fathers in Washington will be entitled to paid paternity leave.

Under the federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a father is permitted to take paternity leave at the birth or adoption of a child. In Washington and all other states, except California, paternity leave is unpaid, as of 2010.

Paid Leave

Some progressive employers in Washington have introduced paid leave as an employee benefit. Check with your human resources department to see if it is one of your company's benefits. Also, ask if you are entitled to leave under the federal FMLA.


FMLA grants 12 weeks of unpaid leave to parents upon, or within one year, of the birth or adoption of a child. You are eligible for this if you work for a government entity or a company that has 50 or more workers that work within a 75-mile radius of your Washington workplace and you have been employed by that employer for at least 12 months and for at least 1,250 hours during the last year.


In Washington, a law exits that expands benefits of the state's Family & Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI), including the provision of up to five weeks of leave with a weekly benefit of $250 to all parents with a newborn or newly adopted child. However, due to the budget deficit, implementation was deferred until October 2012.

Tags: adoption child, birth adoption, birth adoption child, Family Medical, Family Medical Leave, FMLA FMLA, Medical Leave