Monday, November 23, 2009

Schools For Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Diagnostic medical sonography programs can be found at specialty schools, community colleges and private schools.

Diagnostic medical sonographers are also known as ultrasound technicians. Sonographers operate ultrasound equipment that produces images of different parts of the body in order to help physicians diagnose and treat patients' problems. Many diagnostic medical sonography programs can be found at specialty schools, community colleges and private schools. According to, as of May 2010 the average annual salary for sonographers in the United States is $74,000.

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences is a private college that works closely with Florida Hospital and is owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Located in Orlando, Fla., FHCHS offers a fully accredited diagnostic medical sonography program that leads to an associate in science degree. FHCHS offer two program options. The general ultrasound program includes abdominal, OB/GYN and superficial structures sonography. The cardiovascular ultrasound program includes echocardiography and vascular sonography. The classes you will take depend on the program option you choose. Whichever program you're in, your classes will include introduction to sonography, anatomy and physiology, cross-sectional anatomy and medical terminology. Generally, it will take about two years to complete either program option. Graduates are eligible to take the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers exam to become licensed sonographers.

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences

671 Winyah Drive

Orlando, FL 32803-1226


GateWay Community College

GateWay Community College is a public community college in Phoenix, Ariz. GCC's diagnostic medical sonography program is fully accredited and prepares graduates to take the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers exam to become licensed sonographers. The program is offered as a certificate and associate degree program. The certificate program is shorter and does not require general education classes as the associate degree program does. In either program track, core courses include introduction to diagnostic ultrasound, medical ultrasound physics and instruments, ultrasound anatomy, neurosonography and abdominal procedures. Generally it will take 18 months to two years to complete either program, not including any prerequisite classes you may need.

GateWay Community College

108 N. 40th St.

Phoenix, AZ 85034


Montgomery College

Montgomery College is a private college in Silver Spring, Md.,just outside Washington, D.C. Montgomery's diagnostic medical sonography program is fully accredited and is offered as a certificate and associate degree program path. Both programs have similar classes, but the associate degree program includes general education requirements. The core classes are the same in both programs. Some of the coursework includes introduction to sectional anatomy, acoustical physics and instrumentation, abdominal sonography, adult echocardiography, breast sonography and vascular sonography. Both program options will qualify you to take the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers exam to become a licensed sonographer.

Montgomery College

7600 Takoma Ave.

Silver Spring, MD 20912-4197


Tags: associate degree, associate degree program, degree program, Florida Hospital, American Registry