Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Get Free Hats For Cancer Patients

Get Free Hats for Cancer Patients

Being diagnosed with cancer is often one's own worst nightmare. Beyond the diagnosis is usually intense treatment where chemicals are injected into the body to kill the cancer cells. Unfortunately, these treatments often cause the patient's hair to fall out and therefore, hats have become quite common among cancer patients. Due to the many incurring costs of having cancer, purchasing hats can become a money burden. Fortunately, there are ways in which cancer patients can receive free hats.


1. Ask the hospital or treatment centers. Most likely charities, hat manufactures and individuals have donated hats for cancer patients to the cancer center where the patient is being treated. Simply ask the nurse or stop in the on-site shop where cancer patient supplies are sold and ask. If your treatment center does not receive hats, you can contact charities to add your center to the list. For example, you can email director@hatsoffforcancer.org to request that the non-profit organization, Hats Off for Cancer, add your treatment center to their recipient list.

2. Contact a charity directly. There are several charities that give away hats, such as Heavenly Hats and Childhood Leukemia Foundation. Use the request form or phone number on their website to contact them (see Resources). They will send you a hat package directly without going through your treatment center.

3. Hold a hat fundraiser and donate them to cancer treatment centers and hospitals. Get together with other persons battling cancer or who have a family member battling cancer and plan a hat event. You could even partner with a local cancer support group that may have more inside information on how things like this are done. It could be held at a local restaurant, park or hospital. Persons attending would donate a new hat or money to purchase new hats. It could even be something as simple as having a hat drive at your work, church or child's school.

Tags: cancer patients, Hats Cancer, treatment center, your treatment, your treatment center