Monday, December 26, 2011

About Breast Cancer Type 4

Type 4 breast cancer is the most severe stage of breast cancer. If left untreated, type 4 (or stage 4) breast cancer can be life-threatening


Type 4 breast cancer means that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, which puts the patient at even greater risk. Type 4 breast cancer is also known as metastatic breast cancer, and usually spreads to the bones and organs.


When a patient enters Type 4 breast cancer, their life is in danger because of how rapidly the cancer is spreading to other organs and bone tissue. In Stage 4 breast cancer, patients are usually seriously ill and require hospitalization.


Oncologists take a proactive approach to fighting cancer at this dangerous stage. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are usually recommended. Oncologists will in some cases also surgically remove cancerous lymph nodes and cancerous lumps and tumors (especially if cancer has spread to the brain).


If a patient smokes and is diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, doctors recommend that patients immediately quit smoking, as continued smoking can make the cancer worse.


Type 4 breast cancer can be prevented by catching breast cancer in its early stages. Getting a routine mammogram each year after age 40 and performing a monthly breast self-exam is highly recommended.


Any woman--regardless of age--is at risk for breast cancer. Men have also been diagnosed with breast cancer, so it's not solely a female disease.

Tags: breast cancer, Type breast, Type breast cancer, breast cancer, cancer spread, diagnosed with, Stage breast