Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Responsibilities Of An Xray Technician

X-rays help doctors diagnose bone issues and fractures.

An x-ray technician supports patients, doctors and nurses through a variety of tasks related to the medical field of radiology. Working under the orders of the radiologist in charge, the x-ray technician captures necessary x-ray images, communicates with a variety of medical staff and maintains x-ray equipment. Most x-ray technicians have an associate degree in radiology and, according to Payscale.com as of May 2010, earn between $27,500 and $62,215.

Work With Patients

X-ray technicians work with patients in a variety of ways. The x-ray technician is responsible for preparing the patient for x-rays and explaining the procedure and processes to the patient. Because a patient may be apprehensive about the procedure, it's important for the x-ray technician to work with the patient in a kind, patient and compassionate manner. Once the patient has been prepared for x-rays, the x-ray technician positions the patient, puts in place any equipment or gear meant to protect the patient from excessive exposure to radiation and places the x-ray imaging equipment in the correct position. X-ray technicians aren't allowed, nor are they trained, to disclose the results of the x-rays with the patient. While x-ray technicians read the x-rays, they leave it up to the doctors to discuss the results with the patient.

Communicate With Medical Staff

An x-ray technician must have effective communication skills to work well with a variety of medical personnel, including doctors, nurses and others in the radiology field. When the x-ray technician has finished making x-ray images, he must read the x-rays and write a report for the physician in charge. The x-rays must be sent to the appropriate facility or department so the patient's doctor has time to interpret the x-rays and use them to assist in making a diagnosis. If there are any questions or concerns regarding a patient and what images need to be taken, the x-ray technician is responsible for contacting the appropriate medical personnel for answers.

Equipment Maintenance

A variety of equipment and supplies are used by the x-ray technician. At the beginning of her shift, the x-ray technician must check all the radiology equipment to ensure everything is in working order. If any equipment is not working properly, the x-ray technician must report this to his supervisor so it can be repaired. Depending on where she works, the x-ray technician may be responsible for taking inventory of supplies, such as x-ray film, gowns for patients and other supplies used on a daily basis so the facility doesn't run out.

Tags: x-ray technician, technician must, technician responsible, with patient, x-ray technician must, x-ray technician responsible