Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Effect Of Cell Phone Radiation On Eyes

Controversy still remains over whether cell phone radiation causes health problems in humans.

The effects of cell phone radiation on humans has long been a center of debate. Studies from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have shown that prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation causes severe health problems on laboratory animals. One of these consequences includes damage to the eyes.


According to a study published in the journal Bioelectromagnetics, the microwave radiation from cell phones can cause tiny air pockets in the lenses of the eyes. This can eventually lead to cataracts. Questions still remain over whether these problems can occur in humans as they have in rabbits.


An article that appeared in the January 2001 issue of Epidemiology reported that there is an increased risk of eye cancer with prolonged use of cell phones. This is due to the radio frequency radiation that can bounce back and forth inside the eye socket rather than passing through the skull. Questions remain over whether the exposure of this radiation is too weak to cause adverse biological effects on humans.


In the early 1970s, famed ophthalmologist Milton Zaret demonstrated that weak microwave fields--very similar to the radiation emitted from cell phones--can cause severe eye lesions. Zaret concluded that these lesions can appear even years after exposure.

Tags: over whether, phone radiation, cell phone, cell phone radiation, cell phones