Thursday, October 11, 2012

Use Gimp To Produce An Xray Effect On Pictures

You can use GIMP to produce an X-ray effect on any photo.

You might have a special project come up one day where you'll need to generate an X-ray effect on a photograph. You don't have to spend a lot of money buying software - instead, you can use the GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP, a free and feature-rich image-editing application that runs on most operating systems. Learn create an eye-catching X-ray effect on any picture or photo using GIMP and an ounce of your own creativity.


1. Launch GIMP and open the image that you want to edit. Zoom into the region to which you want to apply the X-ray effect. A larger image view will be easier for you to work with.

2. Click on the "Scissors Select Tool" in the GIMP toolbox to choose the target area for the X-ray effect.

3. Adjust the target area color level. On the main menu, click "Color." Choose "Levels" from the drop-down list. A pop-up window will appear allowing you to adjust the color levels. In the pop-up window, adjust the color level by using the slide bar until you get a transparent effect.

4. Fine-tune the X-ray effect further by applying the "Gaussian Blur and Sharpen" tool, under the Filter menu. Adjust "Hue-Saturation" and "Brightness-Contrast" from the Color menu. Explore other tools as well. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. You can save your edited image at each step, or you can use the editing-history feature in GIMP to restore your image at any time.

Tags: X-ray effect, adjust color, color level, pop-up window, target area