Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Find Ultrasound Technician Schools

Getting an ultrasound technician certificate can make it easier to find a job.

Obtaining an ultrasound technician certificate can usually be done in about two years if you take a full course load each semester or quarter. While most states don't require ultrasound technician certificates, getting one can help you quickly learn the skills you need and find a job faster. Many schools with medical programs offer ultrasound training for students, but there are specialized schools and programs designed specifically for that purpose. It's likely that there is one near your home, but you'll need to do your homework to find a reputable one near you.


1. Visit the similarly named Ultrasound Technician and websites to search for an accredited school with an ultrasound technician program by state and zip code. The Ultrasound Technician Schools website also provides information about starting a career as an ultrasound technician as well as important technological and medical updates related to ultrasound technology.

2. Visit the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs website to find an accredited school that has an ultrasound technician program. CAHEEP is the largest accreditor in the health sciences field in the United States, accrediting more than 2,000 programs. You can also use the CAHEEP website to determine if a school in your area is fully accredited before spending time researching their program further.

3. Talk to a career or college counselor about finding a school that has a reputable ultrasound technician program in your area. Before you begin an ultrasound technician program, you'll need an Associate's or Bachelor's degree in healthcare. Ask your counselor about schools where you can get your AA or BA and begin ultrasound technician training if you would prefer to stay at the same school for all of your training.

4. Check with community colleges in your area to see if they offer ultrasound technician programs. Community colleges are an excellent way to get training as an ultrasound technician while keeping tuition fees relatively low compared to private schools. Community colleges also offer fee waivers for some students, depending on income and availability. Check with the financial aid department for more information about obtaining full or partial fee waivers.

Tags: technician program, ultrasound technician, ultrasound technician, ultrasound technician program, Technician Schools, ultrasound technician