Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why Is Student Assessment Important In An Online Course

Assessment is especially important when taking an online class.

An increase in the amount of people that are taking online classes makes it increasingly important for teachers to find a way to provide students with meaningful assessment. Adjustments are necessary to make assessment appropriate for the online setting.


Online student assessment is any feedback that is given to the student from the instructor or their peers.


Unlike in a classroom, a student in an online class does not have the advantage of talking face to face with their teacher. Therefore they rely on the assessment given by their teacher and peers to know how they are doing.


Online assessment can be in the form of online group discussions, emails from the instructor in regards to work a student has done, and traditional quizzes, tests and papers.


Going through the class, a student can adjust what they are doing in order to reach their educational goal. Meaningful assessment will let them know when that is necessary.


Providing different types of assessments gives all students the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths in the way they are most comfortable. This allows students that are not as successful at test taking to get feedback in other ways.

Tags: from instructor, online class, taking online, their teacher, they doing