Monday, December 30, 2013

Low Breast Sensitivity Problems

Breast sensitivity problems can result from changes in hormone levels.

Hormonal changes in the body can affect its overall comfort level, and impact certain areas of the body. This can be especially true in the case of the female body, which undergoes hormonal changes on a regular basis. Low, or mild breast sensitivity problems in women are a common ailment that can come and go as hormonal levels fluctuate.


A woman's body naturally experiences changes as it moves through its monthly menstrul cycle, and as it moves through the aging process. Low breast sensitivity problems are a normal, natural part of this process, according to 34 Menopause Symptoms, a women's health resource site. Bodily changes can occur as the body transitions from one state to another, as in perimenopause to menopause or premenstrual to menstrual. Medical names for tenderness or soreness in the breast include mammalgia, mastalgia and masotdynia. Pain can appear in one or both breasts, and the frequency of occurrence may depend on a woman's individual genetics and physical condition.


As much as 70 percent of women experience breast sensitivity problems within their lifetimes, according to 34 Menopause Symptoms. Fortunately, tenderness or soreness in the breasts seldom indicates a risk for breast cancer, but rather is a normal result from changing hormone levels. This is especially so around the years directly preceding menopause, as well as during the menopause period. During these times, a woman's hormonal balance is in a constant state of flux, which can affect both the mammary and reproductive systems in the body.


Hormonal fluctuations are a necessary process within a woman's menstrual cycle, and can cause low breast sensitivity problems during premenstrual and menstrual periods. As genetics and physical condition can affect the types of symptoms experienced, the frequency, intensity and duration of discomfort can vary from person to person, according to 34 Menopause Symptoms. The most common symptoms include achiness, soreness, swelling and increased sensitivity to touch and pressure. Women may also experience pain in the breasts while sleeping, especially for those who sleep on their side.


The female reproductive system is characterized by fluctuations in hormone levels, according to 34 Menopause Symptoms. The primary hormones involved include estrogen and progesterone. A delicate balance between these two chemicals is needed for normal bodily function. Low breast sensitivity problems can develop when there is a spike, or drop in one or both hormones. Individual body chemistry also plays a part in determining how hormone imbalances affect the body. Sensitivity problems can also be caused by hormone replacement therapy treatments, which are often prescribed for women going through menopause.


Low breast sensitivity problems usually resolve themselves once the body regains a normal hormone balance; however, women going through perimenopause or menopause may experience prolonged periods of discomfort. Remedies for reducing sensivity in the breasts include lifestyle changes and herbal supplements, according to 34 Menopause Symptoms. Lifestyle changes involve eating a balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis. Herbal supplements used to reduce breast soreness include black cohosh and macafem. Black cohosh is made up of plant estrogens, and works to replace low estrogen levels in the body. Macafem works by stimulating the pituitary system, which enables the body to produce its own balance of estrogens and progesterones.

Tags: according Menopause, according Menopause Symptoms, breast sensitivity problems, Menopause Symptoms, breast sensitivity, hormone levels