Friday, December 27, 2013

Vitamins For Women Over 40 Years Old

Vitamins for Women Over 40 Years Old

Your 40s are a time of life that is filled with exciting changes and opportunities. Your body begins to move from the childbearing years to a time of maturity that can be daunting, but can also be downright fun.

One way to make this time of your life one that is filled with youthful vitality is to be certain you're getting the right vitamins for women over 40.

Why You Need Vitamins

Children and teens need vitamins for growth and healthy development. As a woman in her childbearing years, you needed vitamins to nurture yourself and to have the energy and good health to nurture your children.

During your 40s, you end your childbearing years and move through perimenopause. This puts different demands on your body. You are in a phase of staying healthy and strong, while experiencing a renewed sense of freedom and excitement. You need women's vitamins to support what you want to do in this new phase of life, while warding off diseases and conditions that can develop as you get older.

Benefits After 40

All vitamins provide health benefits, but without the right vitamins, your bodily systems can't perform in a balanced way for this time of life.

For example, according to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, antioxidant vitamins C and E have been shown to reduce the risk of cervical and ovarian cancer, while research by the Linus Pauling Institute shows that B vitamins can help reduce the occurrence of colon and breast cancer.

Natural News reports that antioxidant vitamins also help to keep free radicals from attacking cells. While this offers protection against illness, it also helps to keep you looking younger because your cells aren't as susceptible to the effects of pollution, stress and age.


Vitamins for women over 40 should include the following: vitamin A for regulating the immune system and healthy eyes; vitamin B complex for protection against diseases such as cancer, and for cell growth and metabolism; vitamins C and E for their anti-aging and anti-cancer properties; vitamin D, for helping prevent osteoporosis and weak bones by assisting calcium absorption; and vitamin K for bone formation and blood clotting.


Besides vitamins, women need minerals throughout their 40s. Calcium helps to keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium helps relieve the moodiness and lack of concentration that comes with perimenopause. And zinc assists with regulating hormones and keeping your immune system strong.

Where to get Vitamins and Minerals

For the most healthful results, it's important that vitamins for women are received by the body directly from their original source, which is healthy foods. Some women find that taking vitamin supplements help ensure that they have all the vitamins and minerals they need, and while that can be helpful, supplements are not as effective. A food source is still the best source.

Tags: childbearing years, antioxidant vitamins, filled with, helps keep, immune system