Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Avoid Sore Nipples While Breastfeeding

Avoid Sore Nipples While Breast-Feeding

One major complaint of many new mothers is the nipple soreness that can sometimes occur during the early weeks of breast-feeding. There are many ways to minimize this problem and to make the nursing relationship easier and more comfortable for mother and baby.


1. Work on the latch! If your baby latches on incorrectly, unlatch him carefully by gently breaking the seal with a fingertip, then get him latched on again. This can be frustrating at first, but even one nursing with a bad latch can cause soreness.

2. Tickle the baby's chin or lower lip to make sure his mouth opens wide, then pull him tightly to your body. This should help him get latched on correctly.

3. Rub a few drops of your own milk into the nipple after each feeding, and allow to air-dry if possible. This will help to keep your skin from becoming chapped.

4. Use pure lanolin to soothe your nipples if you do begin to get sore.

5. Insert a soft cotton nursing pad if your nursing bra chafes your skin; this will catch leaks as well as protect your nipple.

6. Spend as much time as possible completely uncovered. It's important to let air circulate around your nipples, since infections thrive in a moist environment.

Tags: Avoid Sore, Avoid Sore Nipples, Nipples While, Sore Nipples, Sore Nipples While, your nipples, your skin