Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Breast Implant Problems

Women who do not have the size breasts they desire, breast implants can be an option. There are complications that can arise from this though, and knowing what these possible problems are may make you think twice before attempting to enhance the size of your bra.


Though this is a problem that can be expected with any type of surgery, the pain from breast implant surgery can vary in its duration and intensity. There are determining factors, such as the size of the implant and whether it's been placed under a muscle.


Infection is another problem to be anticipated with any type of surgery, though when it occurs with breast implant surgery, it can occur at any time. The first course of action is treatment with antibiotics. If the infection doesn't go away, the implant may need to be removed. Once the tissue has healed, the implant can be replaced if the woman chooses. In rare cases, a woman can contract an infection called Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is life-threatening. Symptoms of this infection include fainting, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, dizziness and a sunburn-like rash.

Change in Sensation

An increase or decrease in breast and nipple sensitivity can occur once the surgery has been completed. It can range from increased sensitivity to a complete loss of sensation. The changes are usually temporary, but they sometimes can be permanent. No matter how long they last for, these changes can have an affect on erotic responses.


An implant rupture is more likely to occur with older implants, but they can happen with any, especially if the woman has suffered a traumatic chest injury such as a car accident. A rupture with a saline implant is easier to detect than a rupture with a silicone implant. If a silicone implant rupture goes undetected, it can remain inside the scar capsule--the area of scar tissue surrounding the implant--and an MRI may be required to diagnose it. Though there are rarely any symptoms accompanying a silicone rupture, some women may experience tingling, swelling, a change in the size or shape of their implant and pain.

Capsular Contracture

This problem occurs when the scar tissue around the implant begins to tighten, squeezing it and causing pain. It can also distort the implant and the breast, cause the implant to harden and cause it to rupture. If a contracture forms, the doctor can either release or remove the tightened capsule. In some cases, the woman may need to have the implant replaced at the same time.

Tags: breast implant surgery, cases woman, implant replaced, implant rupture, implant surgery, rupture with, scar tissue