Thursday, August 6, 2009

Detect Pregnancy Early

While it usually takes a few weeks before symptoms to show up, there are ways to detect pregnancy early

For many women, the earliest signs of pregnancy after conception are so subtle that they often go unnoticed. Usually, it's not until a missed period that occurs around four to six weeks after conception that many sexually active women suspect the possibility that they may be pregnant. However, by paying close attention to slightest changes of your body and understanding the pregnancy symptoms, you can tell if you're pregnant before a missing a period or taking a home pregnancy test. Knowing if you're pregnant sooner rather than later helps you prepare for what could be a big life change.


1. Feel your breasts to see for swollen, tender or slightly larger than normal. When you become pregnant your breasts begin the process for producing milk. You may also notice your nipples are slightly darker in color.

2. Notice if you're feeling nauseous or vomiting in the morning or throughout the day. While common starting at the fourth week of pregnancy, some women are feeling morning sickness as early as two weeks after conception. Although named morning sickness, nausea and vomiting can occur any time during the day as a symptom of pregnancy.

3. See if you're feeling unusually tired and wanting to take a nap during the day. Your body may be sluggish due to the hormonal changes taking place.

4. Pay attention to the taste of foods and smells. If you're finding you no longer like the taste and smells of your favorite foods or have out of the ordinary cravings, this could be a sign as well.

5. Notice if spotting occurs. A tiny amount of bleeding may happen during implantation where the embryo attaches to the uterine wall.

6. Pay attention if you're running to the bathroom more often. Frequent urination at the beginning of pregnancy is due to hormonal fluctuations.

7. Take a home pregnancy test.

Tags: after conception, home pregnancy, home pregnancy test, morning sickness, pregnancy test, that they