Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breast Exercise Techniques, Lift Hand Weights

It's a wonder that any woman of "a certain age" has decent breasts because there are so many forces working against her. Time, age, gravity all take their toll. Breast tissues break down and begin to sag. Weight loss can result in less than perky breasts.

Massage (see References 1) advises that a woman should regularly massage her breasts. Massage helps drain out toxic wastes and improves blood flow and circulation to the breasts. It is believed that massage strengthens the pectoral muscles and ligaments and helps recoup lost elasticity in the breasts.


According to (see References 2), all inverted yoga postures (your legs are higher than your head and heart) help firm up sagging breasts. Yoga exercises, in general, will strengthen your chest muscles, which will help hoist up the breasts that have been run through the wringer (pregnancy, breast feeding). Seriously consider enrolling in a yoga class or buy a yoga video and exercise along with it. The benefits are numerous, including what it will do for your breasts.

Lift Weights

Lift free weights. Buy 3- or 5-pound weights and lift them while you're watching TV. No "equipment" is needed other than your weights, which are inexpensive and will pay off in spades. Do bicep curls, tricep maneuvers, lift the weights over your head and lower them to the back. This will strengthen your chest muscles and benefit your breasts. Do push-ups. Any exercise that you can do that involves the pecs and the area around the breasts will firm up your bosom.

Yoga Specifics: Bhujangasana

The cobra pose, or bhujangasana, in yoga is particularly beneficial to your breasts, according to (see References 3). Lying on your stomach, place your hands, palm side down, onto the floor, next to your shoulders. Inhale and slowly lift your upper torso up and off of the ground as you straighten your arms, which assists you in raising your chest. Your pelvis, legs and feet stay on the ground. Look forward and then look upward, stretching your neck. Hold this posture for 15 seconds or as long as it's comfortable for you.


Another yoga posture that will help firm your breasts is Pawanamukatasana, which means wind liberation. Lying on your back, legs outstretched, bend your right leg at the knee and bring it to your chest. You can use your hands to assist your leg. Press your thigh into your chest. Hold this position for 15 seconds or so. Now attempt to touch the end of your nose to your knee, which will require lifting your head up and off of the floor. Hold, release, put your head back on the ground and return your leg to the original position. Remember to breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling through your nose, when you do yoga exercises. (See Resources.)

Eat More Wisely

If you exercise your fork a little more wisely, your breasts will maintain their size and shape and may even begin to look better, according to (see References 3), which notes that women who regularly eat or take ginseng, soy, dandelion roots, fennel seeds and saw palmetto have uplifted and enlarged breasts.

Tags: your breasts, your chest, your head, breasts Massage, breasts will