Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grow Your Breasts Without Medicine

Small breasts can hamper your self-esteem. If you are unhappy with your breast size, there are a variety of different treatment routes available to you. You can, of course, have cosmetic breast enlargement surgery in which implants are put into your body. Likewise, you can take hormonal medication to grow your breasts. If you wish for a less invasive and more affordable solution, there are things you can try to grow your breasts naturally.


1. Consume soy products. Soy contains phytoestrogen, the naturally occurring equivalent of estrogen. Since estrogen leads to bigger breasts, increased consumption of soy products can have a similar effect. You can find soy in a variety of different forms, including soy milk, soy nut butter, tofu and edamame.

2. Use herbal treatments. Many herbal treatments are available that purport to increase your breast size. Most of the products contain phytoestrogen. You can find such treatments available in lotion, cream and pill forms.

3. Lift weights. If you focus on chest exercises, you can increase the underlying muscles. Such exercises will increase your bust size and make your breasts look bigger. Lie on your back on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbells over your chest, with your arms extended. Slowly lower the dumbbells down toward the floor, until they are parallel to your body. Keep your arms extended the entire time. Repeat the motion 12 to 15 times.

4. Put on a few pounds. Breasts are made of fatty tissue. If you gain weight, your breasts will undoubtedly get bigger as well. Unfortunately, you can't choose where the pounds go first. Some women gain weight in their bust area first. For others, it may be the last place the weight goes.

5. Massage your breasts daily. Massage encourages circulation so blood and nutrients can reach the area more readily. As a result, your breasts will appear fuller. Use strong, circular motions to massage your breasts for at least two minutes daily.

Tags: your breasts, arms extended, breast size, breasts will, gain weight, grow your breasts