Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Science Fair Project Ideas

The right science fair project increases a student's interest in the various fields of science. Using health related topics for the project opens the door to thoughts of becoming future doctors and nurses. Get all topics approved before starting projects. Health related topics should be age appropriate and include research from health professionals.

Blood Pressure Comparison

Use the comparison of resting verses exercising blood pressure as the topic for your project. Begin by finding subjects to conduct testing on. Research the average or normal blood pressure for your subjects' age and sex. Create your hypothesis on whether the blood pressure is higher or lower due to exercise. Gather your data by taking each subject's blood pressure while relaxing in a sitting position and then again after they run in place for a specific time. Include any health issues or conditions the subject has in your final report. Make the project more specific by focusing on a certain group of people. For example, use each member of a single family or a specific age group, such as ages 10-12 or 30-40. Automated blood pressure machines are available at local pharmacies and retail outlets. Enlist the help of a health care professional if possible, but assure that all reports are written by the project owner.

Body Temperature

Use varying body temperature as the subject for your science fair project. The concept is to assess whether the body's temperature rises and falls at different times of the day. Research includes finding the average or normal body temperatures for the subjects age and sex. Control factors include the time of the day the temperatures are taken. Choose times that are common to daily life. For example, when the subject first wakes up, lunch time and bed time. Base your hypothesis on whether you believe the body temperature does or doesn't rise and fall throughout the day. Create charts reflecting the data collection. Choose multiple subjects for the experiment. The subjects may be of the same age or a random selection of persons. Note any illness or extreme conditions that may have affected the results.

Genetic Traits

Use inherited disorders or traits as a science fair presentation. Research will include finding a family with a particular genetic disorder and discovering scientific information related to the disorder. Create a family tree structure showing which members of the family are affected by the disorder. For example, select a family with a history of cleft lip, an inherited condition. Interview the willing family and collect as much data as possible, taking the family tree back as far as possible. Your chart will reflect patterns of skipping generations or mother-inheritance of the disorder.

Tags: blood pressure, average normal, blood pressure, body temperature, fair project, family tree