Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Develop A Charismatic Persona

Draw people in with your charisma.

It's no secret that charismatic people have a way of getting things done, whether it's career-wise or socially. People that exude authentic charisma have a certain "je ne sais quoi" and powerful magnetic charm that just pulls people in and encourages them to want to know more (and perhaps even follow the same path). Learn develop a persona that is charismatic in order to unlock your fullest potential and perhaps even influence other people.


1. Listen to people. Charismatic people have a personality that is curious and interested. Actively listen to people and make a point to show that you are engaged in the discussion, whether it's by eye contact or nodding. If you indicate to people that they have your full attention, it will send the message that you care about them, which will in turn make them trust you more. Charismatic people are often seen as very trustworthy, which is one of the reasons people are so drawn to them.

2. Have a positive attitude. If you want to ooze charisma and charm, become an optimist. If you convey a positive energy, then it will encourage people to want to be around you. Positivity makes other people think that there is a reason as to why you feel that way, and in turn, it will make them want to listen to you and get on your team.

3. Communicate properly. Effective communication is key when it comes to being a charismatic and charming person. Communicate openly and honestly. If there is something you need to say, be direct and say it. People respect those that do not beat around the bush and that are truthful and genuine. Apart from speaking your mind, also know when it is your place to be quiet. For example, if you do not know the ins-and-outs of a topic very well, leave it to the experts.

4. Be self-confident. Confidence is power, and the more powerful you come across, the more charismatic you will be to other people. Show your self-confidence by speaking with conviction and through strong body language, such as straight posture and a relaxed smile.

5. Have fun. Apart from positive energy, charismatic people have fun. If you have charisma, you give off the impression that you are enjoying whatever it is that you are doing, and also that you are genuinely passionate about it. Inject some lightness and humor into your demeanor. Make people laugh.

6. Keep up your appearance. Looking good is a major component of charisma. This doesn't necessarily entail looking like a supermodel, but simply take care of what others see when they look at you. Keep physically fit by regular exercise. Consume a healthy and well-balanced diet. Practice proper grooming and wear clothing that is crisp and freshly washed.

7. Speak eloquently. Talk in an articulate manner with a clear, deliberate vocal tone. Avoid speaking too fast and using vocalized pauses such as "um" and "uhh." Avoid stumbling over your words. Use proper grammar and full sentences at all times. Always speak with a sense of purpose.

8. Show empathy. Empathy is an important aspect of developing charisma. To get people on your side, show that you are an empathetic personality. Make an honest attempt to look at the world from other peoples' viewpoints. The better you are able to understand other people, the more you will be able to provide them with what they want.

Tags: other people, people have, Apart from, charismatic people have, make them, perhaps even