Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Place Digital Photos On Billboards Signs

Place your own images on a billboard using a billboard sign generator.

Billboard signs are large signs used to advertise to anyone passing by. While you can buy a billboard temporarily to place your own image on, that option is expensive. If you want to see your own images on billboard signs, a free alternative is to use a billboard sign generator online. Using a billboard sign generator, you can upload your own images to place on a picture of a billboard sign, and you can even add your own text to the billboard.


Make Sweet Billboard Signs

1. Go to a website that allows you to place your own digital photos on a billboard sign; one option is the Make Sweet website. (See Resources.) Choose the type of billboard you want to place your digital photo on.

2. Click the plus sign to select a picture from your computer to put on the billboard. Click on the image to move it around on the billboard, then click the slider to the left to zoom the picture in and out on the billboard. Click "ABC" to add text to the billboard.

3. Click the red "X" to delete the picture you selected and choose another if you wish. Click the image of the floppy disk to save the picture to your computer, or click the green arrow to upload the image to the Internet. Uploading your image will redirect you to a page with your image on it. Click "Share" to share the image to Facebook, or right-click the image and choose "Copy Image Location" to copy the image's URL.

Big Huge Labs Billboard Signs

4. Go to a website such as Big Huge Labs (see Resources) to create billboard signs using your own pictures.

5. Select the picture you want to put on the billboard by clicking "Browse..." and selecting the image from your computer. You can also import images from Facebook and Flickr.

6. Customize the billboard by choosing the billboard style and positioning of your picture. Type in text you want to appear on the billboard, and choose the color of the text.

7. Click "Create" to finish making your billboard sign. Click "Edit" to continue editing your sign, or click "Save" to save the image to you computer. Click "Share" to share the image to a social networking website, or to email the image.

Image Chef Billboard Signs

8. Visit ImageChef (see Resources) for another option in creating billboard signs.

9. Click "Browse ..." to choose the photo you want to place on the billboard sign. Crop the image to fit inside the billboard; Image Chef requires all billboard images to be square. Choose the tint you want to use for the image. Type in any text you want to appear on the billboard sign.

10. Click "Preview" to see a preview of the billboard you created. If you are happy with your billboard sign, click "More" to view all the sharing options. Right-click the image and choose "Save Image As..." to save the image to your computer, or click "Share" to share the image on a social networking website.

Tags: billboard sign, your computer, billboard Click, billboard sign generator, share image, Share share