Monday, August 15, 2011

Information On The Pros & Cons Of Dsl

DSL offers a faster connection than dial-up Internet.

If you are looking to gain Internet access in either your home or office, a DSL connection might be the way to go. DSL has both its advantages and disadvantages compared to other ways of connecting to the Internet. Make sure to weigh both the pros and cons of using DSL before installing it into your home or office.

The Good

Using a DSL (digital subscriber line) connection to gain access to the Internet is three to five times faster than using a dial-up connection and as fast as using a cable connection for loading a Web page, according to The faster the connection, the quicker you can download files and media, including multimegabyte files. When you order DSL, you will receive a self-installation kit. This allows you to connect to the Internet on your own time, as compared to waiting for an installer to arrive at your house or office to install it for you.

The Bad

Although DSL is faster than dial-up, it may not be available in all areas. If you wish to utilize DSL, you must be within range of a phone company's central office. If you are outside of this range --- roughly three miles or so --- you will not be able to use a DSL connection to activate your Internet. Even if you are in range, you may not be able to connect with DSL if the phone companies central office is not equipped for digital Internet service.

Stay Connected

If you are still using a dial-up connection to gain Internet access, you will not be able to place a phone call with your land line and surf the web at the same time. This is a huge disadvantage, especially for those who like to multitask or want to instantly call someone when they discover something on the Net. However, if you have a cell phone than you can place a call and surf the Net, regardless if you have DSL or not. If fast Internet speed is not an issue for you, and you already have dial-up and a cell phone, making the switch to DSL may be pointless.

The Cost

If you are on a tighter budget and are deciding between a DSL or cable Internet connection, DSL is the way to go. According to, the average cost of a DSL connection ranges between $15 and $45 a month as of 2011, depending on the speed of the connection. The average cost of a cable connection ranges between $40 and $70 a month as of 2011. However, a cable connection is faster at downloading files, especially larger files. If you want the fastest possible download time, DSL is not the way to go.

Tags: cable connection, average cost, between month, between month 2011, cell phone, central office, connection gain