Monday, August 22, 2011

Neon Kid Birthday Cake Ideas

Make the night come alive with a neon-inspired party theme.

Kids' birthday parties inspire interesting decorations and crazy fun, including glow-in-the-dark and neon colors. Use plenty of neon balloons, glow-in-the-dark items and black lights to create a mood. Do not forget to include a neon theme on the cake as well. Whether you use neon colors on the cake or you use black lights or other methods to make the cake glow in the dark, a "glowing" cake is sure to bring a smile to the faces of the birthday boy and his friends. Does this Spark an idea?

Neon Icing

A neon-inspired birthday cake is made simply by using icing in a neon color. Use white icing to create a canvas for neon icing, or use neon frosting to cover the cake and a contrasting color for other elements. Neon colored frosting can be made or purchased at grocery or craft stores. For instance, create neon yellow by mixing yellow and green together. Use neon green, yellow, orange and pink to create dots, flowers and other decorative elements. Write "Happy Birthday" on the cake in neon icing as well. Smiley faces and peace signs give a distinctly 1960s or 1970s feel.

Neon Light with Cake

One way to literally create a neon lighted cake is to use glow stick lights as a cake topper. Purchase glow lights at a dollar or party store. The glow stick lights light up when they are cracked in half. Do not activate the lights until just prior to use. Use the glow sticks to create arches by putting both ends of the sticks into the cake. The sticks are flexible enough to bend, but are still enough to stand-up. Another method of using glow lights is to lay the lights around the cake, which will light the edges of the cake.

Neon Cake and Black Lights

Use black fondant to create a surface for your glow-in-the-dark neon cake. Use white and neon icing to create the words and decorative elements of the cake, and use white candles with the cake. Do not unveil the cake until it is time to cut and eat. Before bringing the cake into the room, turn off all the house lights and click on black lights you have placed over or around the cake table. The cake glows in the dark because of the black lights.

Neon Accessories

Accessorize an ordinary, off-the-shelf cake with glow-in-the-dark-stars purchased at a dollar or party supply store. Lay the stars on top of the cake and dim the lights so guests see the cake glow. There are other glow-in-the-dark items available for purchase, as well, including bugs, butterflies and items related to the solar system. Add neon candles to make an ordinary cake pop.

Tags: cake glow, around cake, black lights, black lights, cake white, create neon, decorative elements