Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recovery Time For Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation enhances the appearance of the breasts by placing implants under breast tissue and chest muscles. Some women increase their bust size for aesthetic purposes, feeling they will look better after surgery. Others undergo breast augmentations if they have asymmetrical breasts, to make them the same size. Some women who lost weight or have breast-fed a baby have this procedure to lift their breast, and cancer patients occasionally do so after mastectomies. It takes several months to recover from breast augmentation surgery.


Surgical breast augmentation procedures take one to three hours to complete. Anesthesiologists administer general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to make you comfortable during your procedure. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website, you and your plastic surgeon decide what kind of incision will yield the best outcome.

Surgeons make incisions in inconspicuous areas like under the breast, under the armpits or around the nipples. This decision is based on implant type, size of implants and your overall anatomy. Surgeons use either saline or silicone breast implants, placing them under pectoral muscles behind breast tissue. Surgeons close incisions with sutures, skin adhesives or surgical tape.

Post-Operative Recovery

You can return home within a day or two after your procedure unless you experience some kind of medical complication. The first 24 to 48 hours of recovery are uncomfortable because of breast pain and fatigue. Surgeons remove the gauze dressing after a few days and you will wear a surgical bra. Surgical bras help form and place the breasts, giving them a balanced shape. Pain medications and rest decreases recovery time. Have someone stay in your home to help you during the first few days of recovery. Drink lots of fluids and follow doctor's medication and rest recommendations.

First Week

Do not raise the elbows above the armpits or extend arms for three to five days. According to, stretching separates tissue and muscle around breast implants, hampering tissue healing. You can return to light duties at work by the end of the first week if there are no complications from your breast augmentation. Avoid showering with the stitches still on. Surgeons remove stitches seven to 10 days after surgery. Avoid intense physical activity for several weeks or a few months, depending on your doctor's recommendations.

Up to a Few Months

The remainder of your recovery time after a breast augmentation takes six weeks to about two months to complete. Your breasts will likely be swollen and sensitive for about four or five weeks. Avoid physical contact to reduce injury until your breast become less sensitive. Don't rush the recovery process. Resume exercise and strenuous activities with your doctor's permission; this can range from six weeks to up to two months. Over the next several months, your scars will fade.

Follow-Up Visits

An important part of your breast augmentation post-recovery plan is follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon. The surgeon schedules appointments to make sure you are satisfied with your results and catch any problems with implants before they become serious. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery website says maintaining a relationship with your surgeon gives you a person to turn to if you have future questions.

Tags: with your, breast augmentation, your breast, after surgery, American Society, breast augmentation