Monday, August 1, 2011

How Get Single Health Insurance Coverage In Wisconsin

Health insurance directly affects the cost and quality of your medical care.

Eventually there will be a time when an employer doesn't offer health insurance, your COBRA coverage expires or the group plan you've depended on just ceases to exist. In Wisconsin, as in other states, there are companies that will sell you individual insurance. As in any state, the challenge is to find an affordable plan that covers you adequately. Fortunately, Wisconsin has a number of alternative plans, in addition to a choice of private plans for single coverage.


1. Check with clubs or associations like chambers of commerce and Rotary organzations to see if they offer gap-type insurance to cover some of the cost of health care for members. Gap plans offer per-diem or flat-rate payments for specific health care events and will protect you while you shop for health insurance.

2. Investigate cooperatives such as the Farmer's Health Cooperative of Wisconsin or the Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin that offer complete health care plans for specific groups of self-employed individuals. These organizations are non-profits and premiums are very competitive, but occupational and residency requirements apply.

3. Consult an independent insurance agent to find out what private health insurance plans are available. Wisconsin has numerous private company options, some of them non-profit providers. In addition, agents can provide information about state-sponsored health plans. Agents help facilitate applications and underwriting activities such as physical exams.

4. Choose Wisconsin's Health Insurance Risk Plan (HIRSP) if you have a pre-existing condition that disqualifies you from other plans or if your employer has ended your group plan. HIRSP's coverage is comparable to private coverage; the HIRSP Authority offers two plans and a Medicare supplement. Premiums are competitive with private plans and independent agents handle applications. HIRSP is a member of the National Association of State Comprehensive Health Plans.

5. Contact Badger Care if you have lost a job or make too little money to buy health insurance. Your income level must be no more than 200 percent of the current federal poverty level figure to qualify; a pregnant woman's income may be equal to 300 percent of the current figure. Many local social organizations and county social services departments assist applicants who have families, are elderly or are disabled. Adults with no dependent children should apply directly to the Medical Assistance section of the Department of Health Services at 608-291-2002 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              608-291-2002      end_of_the_skype_highlighting in Madison.

Tags: health care, health insurance, group plan, Health Cooperative, percent current, private plans